Mary is a young Jewish woman, rich and much criticized for her rebellious lifestyle: left an orphan, she carries on her family activity alone, enduring the criticism of the town where she lives, Màgdala. Some believe that a woman with such an indomitable and rebellious character can only be possessed by the devil. One day, by chance, Mary hears Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth, preaching to the rapt crowd. She feels that he is the long-awaited Messiah. When she comes face to face with him, Mary discovers she has already met him, years before, in Jerusalem. From that moment her life changes forever. Mary decides to follow the Master, despite the opposition of her relatives. Her fate has been decided.
Cinzia Giorgio
È dottore di ricerca in Culture e Letterature Comparate. Si è specializzata in Women’s Studies e in Storia Moderna, compiendo studi anche all’estero. Organizza salotti letterari, è direttore editoriale del periodico Pink Magazine Italia e insegna Storia delle Donne all’Uni.Spe.D. È autrice di saggi scientifici e romanzi. Per la Newton Compton ha pubblicato Storia erotica d’Italia, Storia pettegola d’Italia, È facile vivere bene a Roma se sai cosa fare e il romanzo La collezionista di libri proibiti.
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